ICF Appoints Climate Center Executive Director

Oct 19, 2022

Michael Jung 领导公司基于科学的气候研究和洞察平台

FAIRFAX, Va., Oct. 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- ICF (NASDAQ:ICFI), 全球咨询和数字服务提供商, today announced Michael Jung as the executive director of the ICF Climate Center, 该公司的思想领导平台,提供气候研究和见解,帮助组织实现其气候目标.   

Jung brings 25 years of experience in climate, 能源和公共政策与不同的政府机构合作, 公用事业和私营公司制定相关战略和计划. Jung最近的职位是太平洋西北发电合作社负责政府事务的副总裁. Additionally, 钟彬娴是几家著名清洁技术初创公司的早期团队成员, 包括Silver Spring Networks和utilitdata.

“随着基础设施老化,我们正处于历史的关键时刻, 气候变化引发的极端天气事件越来越频繁, 联邦政府为应对气候变化投入了前所未有的新资金," said Anne Choate他是ICF能源、环境和基础设施集团执行副总裁. “迈克尔致力于解决复杂的能源和气候挑战, 再加上他在改善基础设施方面的创新记录, 使他成为我们气候中心的理想领袖."

Launched in early 2021, the ICF Climate Center leverages ICF's over 2,000 climate, 能源和环境专家和超过40年的经验,对各种气候主题发表开创性的研究, including electric vehicle adoption, 最近的联邦基础设施和气候政策, and extreme weather events. ICF气候中心专家的分析和见解出现在100多家媒体上, including the Washington Post, New York Times, USA Today and Axios.

“在ICF气候中心继续协调的过程中,我感到谦卑和荣幸, 加强并利用公司深厚而广泛的气候变化专业知识的集体智慧," said Jung.

ICF是世界上历史最悠久、规模最大的气候咨询公司之一. The company started working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy from their inception, 支持20世纪80年代早期的海平面上升研究,并使用我们专有的综合规划模型对《黄金城》和所有后续修正案进行分析. After more than five decades, ICF继续站在气候科学史上具有里程碑意义的时刻的最前沿, policy and action. This includes supporting many of the U.S. 联邦政府目前的旗舰气候项目,如美国温室气体排放量年度清单.S. 温室气体排放和汇,能源之星®计划和国家气候评估. ICF climate experts also work with utilities, state and local governments, 私营企业和国家政府 Europe and around the world.

Read more about ICF's energyenvironment and climate services and insights through the ICF Climate Center.

About ICF 
ICF是一家全球性的咨询服务公司,000 full- and part-time employees, but we are not your typical consultants. At ICF, 商业分析师和政策专家与数字战略家一起工作, data scientists and creatives. 我们将无与伦比的黄金城专业知识与尖端的参与能力相结合,帮助组织解决最复杂的挑战. Since 1969, 公共和私营部门客户与ICF合作,引领变革,塑造未来. Learn more at ce-unieditions.com.

Caution Concerning Forward-looking Statements 
非历史事实且涉及已知和未知风险和不确定性的陈述是1995年《黄金城》中定义的“前瞻性陈述”. 这些陈述可能与我们目前对未来结果的预期有关, plans, 经营和前景,并涉及一定的风险, including those related to the government contracting industry generally; our particular business, including our dependence on contracts with U.S. federal government agencies; our ability to acquire and successfully integrate businesses; and the effects of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and related federal, 州和地方政府对我们员工和客户健康的行动和反应, 我们和客户业务的连续性, our results of operations and our outlook. 这些和其他因素可能导致我们的实际结果与我们向美国证券交易委员会提交的证券文件中“风险因素”部分所列的前瞻性陈述中所示的结果不同. 本协议中包含的前瞻性陈述仅在本协议生效之日作出, 我们明确声明不承担将来更新这些陈述的任何义务.

Contact: Lauren Dyke, lauren.dyke@ICF.com, +1.571.373.5577