
Fairfax, VA


Sep 27, 2016

Carol Babb加入新成立的团队,为ICF financial提供IE/OE服务, developer, and power operator clients.

ICF, 为全球政府和商业客户提供咨询和技术服务, 公司任命Carol Babb为新成立的可再生能源和热能发电独立工程和业主工程(IE/OE)服务团队的副总裁兼总经理.

ICF也欢迎几位关键成员加入其IE/OE团队. They include Peter Ruestman, who will lead efforts in thermal engineering; Heidi Larson, who will lead the renewable energy team; Mark Reusser, who will lead ICF’s solar energy team; and Paul Paxson who will be leading operation and maintenance (O&M). 利用ICF现有的许可和环境合规专业知识. Babb将领导大约25人的团队,专注于提供全面的IE/OE服务.

“Around the world, 能源市场正在经历电力市场经济的结构性转变,越来越重视可再生能源和天然气发电,” said Erik Olbeter, senior vice president for ICF. “结合我们黄金城领先的市场尽职调查, environmental policy and planning services, our IE/OE practice will help investors, developers, owner/operators, 监管机构也更有信心做出资本资产配置决策.”

Ms. Babb将领导一个全职专家团队,他们在IE的所有技术方面都有370年的经验, technology due diligence, and OE services. 我们拥有世界一流的专业知识和经验,为所有发电和替代能源技术类型提供IE和OE服务, including photovoltaic (PV) solar, concentrated solar, combined cycle gas turbine facilities, simple cycle gas turbine facilities, biomass, biofuels, waste to energy, 垃圾填埋气体和其他可再生和传统技术. 该团队还将通过帮助公用事业公司,支持该公司向分布式能源(DER)和发电领域的扩张, independent power producers, 合作社和市政电力供应商了解DER和发电技术将对其网络产生的影响. 该小组的建立是为了计划在其系统内更大、更有效地部署分布式资源和生成技术.

Ms. Babb拥有超过35年的经验,专注于为金融家提供工程尽职调查和建议, developers, 以及投资可再生能源项目和新技术的政府客户. 她是世界上生物质和生物燃料工程领域最受尊敬的权威之一, having performed assessments of new technologies, processes, and plants around the world. Under Ms. Babb的管理团队在过去7年中为全球超过80千兆瓦的太阳能和水力发电项目提供了OE和IE监督,这些项目代表了数十亿美元的资本投资. In addition to her renewable energy expertise, Ms. Babb has an extensive design background in oil and gas, biopharmaceuticals and pulp and paper capital projects.

About ICF

ICF (NASDAQ:ICFI)是一家全球性的咨询服务公司,500 full- and part-time employees, but we are not your typical consultants. At ICF, 商业分析师和政策专家与数字战略家一起工作, data scientists and creatives. 我们将无与伦比的黄金城专业知识与尖端的参与能力相结合,帮助组织解决最复杂的挑战. Since 1969, 公共和私营部门客户与ICF合作,引领变革,塑造未来. Learn more at ce-unieditions.com.

Caution Concerning Forward-looking Statements

非历史事实且涉及已知和未知风险和不确定性的陈述是1995年《黄金城集团官网》中定义的“前瞻性陈述”. 这些陈述可能与我们目前对未来结果的预期有关, plans, operations and prospects and involve certain risks, including those related to the government contracting industry generally; our particular business, including our dependence on contracts with U.S. federal government agencies; our ability to acquire and successfully integrate businesses; and the effects of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and related federal, 州和地方政府对我们员工和客户健康的行动和反应, the continuity of our and our clients' operations, our results of operations and our outlook. 这些因素和其他因素可能导致我们的实际结果与我们向美国证券交易委员会提交的证券文件中的“风险因素”部分所述的前瞻性陈述有所不同. 本协议中包含的前瞻性陈述仅在本协议生效之日作出, 我们明确声明不承担将来更新这些陈述的任何义务.

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