Fred Arnold, Ph.D.

Technical Deputy Director, Demographic and Health Surveys Program
Fred is a demographic and health surveys expert with more than 40 years of experience providing technical assistance to survey implementation and analysis in low- and middle-income countries.
Fred was directly involved in the design and implementation of population-based surveys in 17 countries in Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and South America. He provided advice to international agencies on malaria and environmental health; he also advised on maternal, reproductive, and child health. Fred has coordinated technical assistance to five large-scale National Family Health Surveys of more than 2 million women and men throughout India. Previously, he was the research director of the Select Committee on Population, U.S. House of Representatives.
  • Ph.D., Economics/demography, University of Michigan
  • M.A., Sociology/economics, University of Michigan
  • B.A., Economics, Harvard University
  • Perspectives and implications of the Improving Coverage Measurement Core Group’s validation studies for household surveys, Journal of Global Health, 2018年6月
  • An assessment of the malaria-related knowledge and practices of Tanzania’s drug retailers: exploring the impact of drug store accreditation, BMC Health 服务 研究, March 2018
  • Handwashing in 51 countries: analysis of proxy measures of handwashing behavior in Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys and Demographic and Health Surveys, 2010-13, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2017年6月
  • Availability and price of malaria rapid diagnostic tests in the private health sector in 2011: results from ten nationally representative cross-sectional retail surveys, Tropical Medicine and International Health, 2015年6月
  • Improving Estimates of Insecticide-Treated Mosquito Net Coverage from Household Surveys: Using Geographic Coordinates to Account for Endemicity, Malaria Journal, 2014年7月
  • Measuring coverage in MNCH: New findings, new strategies, and recommendations for action, PLOS Medicine, 2013年5月